Software for the static calculation for InLiner according to DWA-A 143-2 and ATV-M 127 Part 2

Software acc. to ATV, DWA und DVWK

The program according to ATV-DVWK worksheet M 127 part 2 offers the possibility to optimize pressurized and pressureless InLiner pipes, renovation hoses, short liners and renovation pipes with regard to the laying conditions, the material and the wall thickness. This can help prevent damages and save enormous costs at the same function. By using the software, clear alternative solutions can be displayed.Statik SAnierung InLiner Rohr Eiprofil

The installation of the InLiner according to the DWA-A 143-2 resp. ATV-M 127 part 2, the RSV leaflets of the pipeline repairing association and the guidelines of the working group of Southern German municipalities can be planned in such a way that the lowest possible costs arise!

Static proof calculations, especially for InLiner, should be carried out for all construction measures in order to meet your duty of care.

Calculation options

Due to the possibility to select the material characteristics freely within the software, any Inliners, even from new materials, can be calculated.

Standard values ​​of the relevant restoration materials are stored in a material database or can be added by yourself.

Static calculations for round inliners, as well as for eggshapes can be carried out.

We would be happy to send you a free DEMO version.

Software static calculation pipes


static calculation pipes open trench proof Open
ATV-A 127
Expert static calculation liner InLiner
DWA-A 143-2
static calculation tunneling pipes jacking pipes Tunneling
DWA-A 161
static calculation manholes well pipes Manholes
ATV-A 127
static calculation landfill pipes DWA ATV M127 Landfill
ATV-M 127-1